Yesterday my mom and I took Delilah shopping for the last few things she needed for school and for some school clothes. We had a lot of fun picking out her book bag and of course it's always an adventure clothes shopping with her!!
She got the rare treat of getting to try everything on before deciding if we were going to get it or not. And a good thing we did because we had to switch out quite a few sizes! She is a lot smaller than I realized or they are making clothes bigger than they should!
After putting on the school clothes fashion show we picked out what we were getting and put back what didn't fit or she didn't like after all. So, now she is all set for starting school!! Boo hoo!
She is very excited about getting to go to school and I know she is going to do great. She has been practicing her writing everyday and can now write her name, address, and phone number without having a reference or needing help spelling anything! And of course her other favorite word she can spell with no help.... poop! Let's hope she will be over that phase soon enough!
Still working on getting those pics on the computer so I can post the 4th of July pics and scanning in the ultrasounds. Soon I hope.